Share your intentions, unlock opportunity

We’ve been conditioned to think that good opportunities are hard to come by. That they only come around every now and then.

But it turns out that there are incredible opportunities for each of us - no matter what we’re looking for. And they’re hiding in plain sight every day.  

Here’s where they are: in everyday conversations we have with people. 

Every conversation is an opportunity to share a glimpse of something you need, something you’re looking for, or something you can give. 

We miss these opportunities because most of our conversations stay at a surface level. 

When you decide to share something you need with someone, you unlock opportunities they have access to that you don’t. 

And it turns out that people are often more than willing to help us. 

Looking for a job, mentor, connection, or opportunity? The person sitting across from you could change the course of your life in 5 minutes. But they’ll never know how to help unless you ask for what you want. 

Asking for what you need isn’t selfish. It’s a natural way for us to connect with one another. 

And when you get the help you need, you unlock the ability to help more people around you. It’s a ripple. 

Try this:

Look for opportunities in everyday conversations. When someone says “How are things at work?”, don’t just give them the “same old same old” response.

Use questions to uncover how you might be able to help in return.

Move from your default questions and responses to ones that trigger opportunities - for you and for others.    

Go have a great workday.


You can only hold one thought in your mind at a time


Operating at a deficit